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Pleasant Hill CUSD #3

Student Assistance Program

Elementary School Only


The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a program designed and sponsored by the Freemasons of Illinois.  It is a program for educators to identify, intervene with and create appropriate referrals for students that may be at risk for school failure, substance abuse, depression, suicide or violence.  The team is comprised of six staff members at the elementary school.  If you have any questions, please contact:


Mr. Ron Edwards        or        Leslie Bower                       

Superintendent                      Team Leader


Pleasant Hill CUSD #3

P.O. Box 277

Pleasant Hill, IL 62366


Telephone: 217-734-2311

Facsimile:  217-734-2629


What is the Student Assistance Program?


The primary goal of the Student Assistance Program is to help students overcome the barriers in order that they may achieve, advance and be successful in school.  SAP is a process using techniques to mobilize school resources to remove barriers to learning.  The core of the program is a professionally trained team, including school staff and, if needed, liaisons from the community organizations and agencies. SAP team members are trained to identify problems, determine whether the presenting problem lies within the responsibility of the school and make recommendations to assist the student. When the problem lies beyond the scope of the school, the SAP team will assist the parent and student to access available services in the community. 


How does the SAP program work?


  1. Referral:  Referrals to the SAP program can be made in one or more of the following areas:  behavior, academics, health, and attendance.  Referrals must be based on specific observable information.  Referrals can be made by any staff member, a fellow student, or a student’s parents/guardians.  Students can refer themselves to the SAP team.  Parents / guardians are notified when their child is referred.
  2. Team Planning:  The SAP team gathers specific observable information about the student’s performance in school from all school personnel who have contact with the student.  If possible, information will also be collected from the parent/guardian.  The team will meet to discuss the data. The team for each student is based on that student’s need.  Sometimes the student is involved on the team.  Parents may assist in the development of the plan as well.  The team brainstorms ideas and forms an action plan. 
  3. Intervention and Recommendations: The plan is put into action. Relevant staff and/or liaisons from outside agencies are contacted. Depending on the problem being addressed, plans may include behavior contracting, intensive academic interventions, and student/parent contact by the school nurse or truancy officer. Each plan is individualized for that particular student. Although students can be referred for academic or behavioral issues, SAP is not necessarily a precursor to special education services or development of a 504 plan.  If a student is suspected of having a disability and may be served under the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), the appropriate staff will be contacted and the appropriate documents filed.
  4. Support and Follow-up: If the plan is unsuccessful, the team will reconvene to revise the plan.  If the plan is successful, the team will continue to monitor the student until it is determined that the student needs no more services. There is no set timeline for a child to be served by SAP.


Can a parent be a member of the SAP team?


            Yes, a parent can be involved in the development of their child’s plan. Use the contact information above to find out when and where the team will be meeting.


Can a parent request that their child be tested for special education services?


            At any time, a parent can request that their child be tested for special education services.  If a parent requests special education testing, the parent will be contacted and given their procedural safeguards within 10 days of the request. To request testing, use the contact information above.


Can a parent refuse to allow their student to be served by the SAP team?


            Although only parental notification is required, the SAP team wishes to work with the parent to help the student succeed.  If a parent requests that they do not wish their student to be served by SAP, the request will be honored. Use the contact information below to request that your child not be served by SAP.


Does a parent have access to their child’s SAP information?


            A parent can request to see their child’s SAP file at any time during school hours.  A parent may request copies of their child’s SAP file.

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