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A Note from the Superintendent on the First Week of School

August 19, 2022

Dear Community Members:

We have made it through our first week! It has been wonderful having our students back on campus for the new school year. I, personally, have enjoyed circulating through the district and meeting your children. 

As the first week comes to a close, we will be meeting as a staff to assess our current practices and what needs to be changed. One practice on our list to discuss is the elementary breakfast. We understand that when buses arrive close to 8:00 AM, it makes it hard for students to eat breakfast. So far, we have moved our PE classes to start later in the morning in order to leave the breakfast open a little later than 8 AM, we have left cereal for late arrivals, and we have assigned a paraprofessional to the breakfast room to help students with their breakfast items. Next week we will also look at bus pick up times and whether they need to change to accommodate our breakfast program. 

Thank you to all those who were able to bring their children to the preschool open house this week. Almost every student in our preschool program was able to attend! We understand that having the open house during the day may have been inconvenient for some working parents, and we apologize for that inconvenience. It was necessary for scheduling this year but will look into altering the open house times for next school year.

Morning preschool students will be able to ride the regular route buses that drive by their houses if needed, and a special preschool bus will return morning students home when class ends. Afternoon students will be picked up by the preschool bus and are able to ride the regular route buses home at the end of the day. If you have questions on bus routes, please contact our elementary secretary.

High School fall athletics begin tonight with the football team's sports drink scrimmage and the cross country team's "scrimmage" both at the football field. We hope to see you there!

Thank you for choosing Pleasant Hill schools, and I hope each of you have a wonderful weekend. 


Kylee Orr, Superintendent

Pleasant Hill CUSD #3



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