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The Oaken Bucket

History of the Oaken Bucket

The Oaken Bucket was born out of a coach’s desire to revive their football program.  Forty-seven years ago, a football coach sought to revitalize a waning football program with a friendly competition between rivals.  That competition is as fierce as ever as Pleasant Hill and Calhoun high schools continue their fight each fall to win the coveted Oaken Bucket.

In 1962, Charlie Raich, Calhoun High School football coach, introduced the Oaken Bucket.  His to restore interest in the school’s football program which had started just four years earlier.

The original bucket was made by Calhoun High School’s Industrial Arts program. It was an octagon planter bucket. It wasn’t until 2003 that Mr. Heafner from Pleasant Hill came across the current Oaken Bucket, which is round with a rope handle.

It is likely the competition helps breed school loyalty in the football players.  Two of the players who played in the first bucket game, Terry Strauch of Calhoun and Steve Goodman of Pleasant Hill, went on to become the head football coaches at their respective schools and superintendent of their school districts.

Attending this year’s rival game on Friday, September 25, it was clear that interest in the Oaken Bucket remains high at both schools.  Upon arrival, 45 minutes before game time, I found a line into the school and a crowd so large, there was not an empty seat for Pleasant Hill or Calhoun supporters.  The crowd at the game was what one would expect to find at the playoffs.  Both sides were animated, cheering and shouting and hoping their home team would come out of the game victoriously.

I wonder if Coach Charlie Raich would have ever imagined the rivalry an old bucket would create.

The two teams have now played 48 games against eachother.  Calhoun has won 28 of those games and Pleasant Hill has won 20.  Below you will find the final scores of those 48 games by year:



1962 6-20 Calhoun 1963 14-7 Pleasant Hill
1964 25-6 Pleasant Hill 1965 28-0 Pleasant Hill
1966 14-6 Pleasant Hill 1967 0-7 Calhoun
1968 9-6 Pleasant Hill 1969 6-12 Calhoun
1970 21-12 Pleasant Hill 1971 14-15 Calhoun
1972 0-20 Calhoun 1973 8-14 Calhoun
1974 40-8 Pleasant Hill 1975 30-6 Pleasant Hill
1976 6-22 Calhoun 1977 28-0 Pleasant Hill
1978 41-0 Pleasant Hill 1979 14-16 Calhoun
1980 52-14 Pleasant Hill 1981 26-0 Pleasant Hill
1982 32-14 Pleasant Hill 1983 12-49 Calhoun
1984 6-40 Calhoun 1985 30-15 Pleasant Hill
1986 24-7 Pleasant Hill 1987 0-27 Calhoun
1988 0-27 Calhoun 1989 18-6 Pleasant Hill
1990 0-14 Calhoun 1991 0-50 Calhoun
1992 0-55 Calhoun 1993 13-37 Calhoun
1994 6-36 Calhoun 1995 0-44 Calhoun
1996 7-41 Calhoun 1997 6-32 Calhoun
1998 21-6 Pleasant Hill 1999 6-28 Calhoun
2000 7-38 Calhoun 2001 3-43 Calhoun
2002 0-49 Calhoun 2003 14-0 Pleasant Hill
2004 8-16 Calhoun 2005 0-48 Calhoun
2006 6-42 Calhoun 2007 27-6 Pleasant Hill
2008 12-14 Calhoun 2009 28-20 Pleasant Hill



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